Rylee Lasher






My name is Rylee Lasher. I am a sophomore Health Services (Pre-OTA) major and Psychology minor at the University of Southern Indiana. I have been at SVELC for almost a year. I have a passion for working with children, which is leading me down the path to become a Pediatric Occupational Therapy Assistant.


I believe that each child has a voice and deserves to be heard and validated. I feel here at SVELC, that is accomplished, and each child is heard. I have babysat and worked around children for as long as I have been able to, I just love to watch how their little minds work and develop. I absolutely love working here and wouldn’t trade the relationships with the children and staff for anything! In my free time I love to play sports with friends, enjoy a Netflix show, head home to hangout with family, or bake! I have one younger sister and two small dogs.