


Building the skills and competencies necessary for children to have bright futures and successful lives is not possible without talented Educators. St. Vincent Early Learning Center believes that Early Childhood Educators are professionals within a field not yet professionalized. We set our educational requirements and standards high for Staff because we believe that it is a child’s right to have trusted, knowledgeable leaders accompanying them each day. Along with those standards, we have designed our compensation program to play a critical and progressive role in our ability to attract, engage, and retain high-quality Educators and Administrative Staff, who lead in their fields and in the classroom.


St. Vincent Early Learning Center is committed to a total rewards perspective that views compensation as including base salary, performance bonuses, spot bonuses, benefits, professional development, and the work environment. We recognize that a key component of an effective compensation philosophy is the need to maintain a meaningful degree of competitiveness with the relevant external market. We have a unique organizational mission as being both a nationally accredited early childhood center and a social advocacy ministry serving those most in need. Therefore, we have chosen to significantly lead the market in order to effect systemic change within the field of early education and within our community. 



Working at SVELC


Full Time Staff


Average Staff Tenure


Educators per Classroom


Staff with Tenure over 3yrs

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